“I think you have every angle covered very well” “Spot on service, very helpful, very friendly – Thank you!” “I was extremely happy with the attention I was given” “Louise was professional, efficient and understanding of my situation at all times. In comparison to other people I have spoken to in similar circumstances to myself, […]

‘Mom’s’ the Word for Faulty Hip Replacements Compensation
Patients with a new hip that utilises a metal-on-metal (MOM) system could be due substantial sums of money if they need their hip replacement replaced because of possible problems directly linked to the malfunctioning hip. Personal injury lawyer Vivienne Elizabeth Williams – who has appeared as an expert on the BBC television consumer affairs programme Watchdog […]

Leamington Lawyer to Drive Down Costs of Litigation
Mr Thornton has undertaken an intensive course to qualify as a mediator, a new initiaitive to settle disputes quickly and cost-effectively. Mr Thornton, who is also head of civil litigation, is now accredited by the London School of Mediation to mediate between opposing parties who want to find a solution yet for some reason can’t […]

Berrymans Solicitors Support Marie Curie Wills Appeal
Donna Bothamley, head of wills & probate here at Berrymans Solicitors, one of the participating firms in Coventry and Warwickshire, said the campaign would run from now until the end of May. Mrs Bothamley said: “We will be writing free simple wills – or amending existing ones – and the hope is that people taking […]

Quality Award Retained by Berrymans Solicitors
The firm first attained the national Law Society’s Lexcel management quality mark in 2010. Less than one in ten law firms currently hold the accreditation. Joint senior partner Richard Thornton said his firm had received the accolade for delivering a consistent, high standard of service to its clients and for being able to demonstrate a […]

Berrymans Solicitors Expands Trust & Probate Department
Emma, who has more than 10 years legal experience and specialises in private client work, has joined Berrymans Solicitors. Department head Donna Bothamley said that Emma – who has worked for law firms in Birmingham and Salford– had experience of dealing with a whole range of estates and of advising clients on wills, lasting […]