There is only one ground for divorce, which is that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. The divorce can be applied for jointly with the spouse or a sole application can be issued whereby the spouse will become Respondent to the proceedings.
The procedure for divorce has been simplified since the recent change in the law whereby parties to the marriage can apply on a no-fault basis and via the online portal which has been successful thus far.
An already difficult situation can be exacerbated if it is not handled with sensitivity and understanding.
We therefore, adopt a process to “soften” the impact of the process by a non-confrontational procedure that assists the parties in coming to terms with the breakdown of their marriage.
To make that first step in the process a little bit easier, we will happily discuss your case on the phone initially without obligation, and strictly on a private and confidential basis.
If you need legal advice in the following areas, Berrymans Solicitors can help:
- Divorce and dissolution of marriages and civil partnership
- Financial settlements, including pension sharing, valuation of assets, and hidden assets
- High net worth and complex assets
- Collaborative law and mediation
- Children issues
- Enforcement of divorce settlements
- Cohabitants rights
- Children and divorce matters that occur overseas
- Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
If you need advice from a specialist lawyer to support you, get in touch to book an initial consultation.