Finding that a Will contains unexpected terms or that the distribution of an estate under the Intestacy Rules results in unfairness, can be an upsetting experience.
We understand that the death of a loved one is a difficult time and problems with Wills add to the stress. That is why we work hard to support our clients throughout the process.
Our expert team have years of experience and specialised training in challenging Wills, negotiating settlements and, if necessary, resolving matters through the courts.
Your Berrymans Solicitors specialists will be able to work with you to resolve issues such as:-
The validity of a Will
A Will must be signed in the presence of two witness and can only be made by someone who has the necessary mental capacity. If you have concerns over the validity of a Will perhaps because of the testator’s capacity or perhaps because you think someone influenced the testator in such a way that the Will did not reflect the testator’s true wishes then we can help you to challenge the Will.
Interpretation of Wills
Our team can help you in those times when clauses in wills could be interpreted in more than one way.
Challenging Wills
There are many reasons for challenging wills. You may have been left out of a Will contrary to your expectation or unfairly. The testator may have promised you he or she would leave you something and in reliance on that promise you may have acted to your detriment.
If you are a surviving spouse, child or dependent of the deceased you may be entitled to bring a claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975.
Disputes between beneficiaries and executors
Disputes can arise between executors, or between executors and beneficiaries regarding the manner in which the estate is being administered. Whether you are a beneficiary or an executor, we will be able to help you.
Court appointed Deputies
If someone you care about lacks the capacity to make decisions by themselves, you may find yourself in the position of having to act on their behalf. Berrymans Solicitors can help you apply to the Court of Protection to become a Court appointed Deputy for that person.
In these situations it can be hard to find the right thing to say, so let us do the talking. Contact our specialists today.
Lasting Power of Attorney Disputes
An Attorney has the authority to use the donor’s money to pay the donor’s bills and liabilities. This can cause problems when the Attorney misuses that authority. We can help if you become aware of such misuse and are concerned for the donor.