A Leamington Spa solicitor is urging people to make updating their will a priority as the new year commences.

Jessica McDonnell, senior associate solicitor at Berrymans Solicitors, said it was recommended to review and update your will every five years – or sooner if there has been a major life change in the family, such as a divorce, marriage, death or new arrival.

Previous research has suggested almost half of Brits who have a will haven’t updated it for more than five years.

Jessica said: “As life gets busy, updating your will is one of those tasks which can fall to the bottom of priorities, possibly even forgotten.

“The new year is an ideal time to address this because having an up-to-date, well-written and comprehensive will in place is vital to ensure that your wishes are dealt with in the way you’d like when you die.

“Of course, it’s not a situation which any of us like to dwell on, but by making sure that your will is current, you have the peace of mind from knowing that everything is in place as you go on living and appreciating life.”

Wills cover everything from who will benefit from a person’s estate – their money, property, possessions and investments – to care arrangements for their children in the event that they pass away.

Jessica added: “In the event that you die without making a will, there are set rules that must be followed, called the rules of intestacy. These rules govern as to who receives your property, cash assets and personal possessions. Unfortunately, this can sometimes result in those closest to you receiving nothing.

“Also, in modern society, there are many unmarried couples who live together, but have not provided for each other by making a will. Under the rules of intestacy, an unmarried partner is not entitled to anything and therefore would not be provided for financially.

“Consequentially, it cannot be stressed enough the importance of unmarried couples making wills to ensure that both parties are provided for and will have somewhere to live in the event of an unexpected death.”

CAPTION: Jessica McDonnell, senior associate solicitor at Berrymans Solicitors in Leamington Spa.

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