Family carers who are looking after people with dementia are being handed vital support from a local charity and a Leamington Spa solicitor offering free legal advice.

Berrymans Solicitors is one of a number of businesses and organisations volunteering expert advice to carers attending the Looking After A Loved One (LAALO) with dementia programme organised by the charity SalfordReminiscence Action Project (WRAP).

Other free advice and support provided as part of the current six-week LAALO programme includes how to manage stress and care available in the community, with the next LAALO programme scheduled for summer.

Recently, Donna Bothamley, head of wills and probate at Berrymans Solicitors, gave a talk in Stratford and answered questions on legal and financial matters, including the importance of wills and dealing with power of attorney.

Donna, who has been a guest speaker at LAALO on a number of occasions, said: “I was honoured to offer help to attendees of the LAALO programme which does incredible, and often unrecognised, work to help family carers who are often dealing with things they thought they would never have to do on behalf of a loved one.

“It’s in these uncharted times that some matters might get overlooked due to stress or worry, so being able to point family carers in the right direction when it comes to legal and financial matters is our way of helping.”

The LAALO programme deliberately keeps attendee numbers at a low level, typically six to eight carers so they can interact, and offer support, to each other.

LAALO facilitator Lynda McEvoy said: “LAALO is a support programme for people looking after a loved one in the early stages of the dementia journey, regardless of the type diagnosed.

“It’s particularly useful to have expert guest speakers, such as Donna, who can pass on vital information to help make life easier for family carers.”

Those who take part in the LAALO programme, plus anyone feeling lonely or worried about their memory, are encouraged to meet up at the Café WRAP Muse at Bishopton Community Centre in Stratford, which meets every Friday from 2pm to 4pm, and provides various activities such as pottery and music.

While the current LAALO programme is being held in Stratford, previous events have been held in Kenilworth and Alcester, with plans to hold future programmes in other locations, including south Warwickshire.

Those wishing to attend a future LAALO programme should call 01789 261061 or email [email protected] for further information.

For more information about WRAP, which was founded by its current secretary Mike Strophair 25 years ago, visit

For more information on Berrymans Solicitors, call 01926 831231 or visit

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