Monday 15 January 2018 is officially predicted to be the gloomiest day of the year. The fact is that for most of us the summer is too far away. This can be a truly depressing time of year and sadly for family lawyers it can also be one of our busiest periods. More divorce petitions will be lodged at Court during the early part of the year than at any other time.

If you are contemplating divorce you should ask yourself if you have exhausted all other avenues first, such as marriage guidance counselling. Divorce is a big step.

The mechanics of obtaining a divorce nowadays are usually straightforward, particularly if both agree that the marriage is over. The difficulties tend to lie in resolving practical issues stemming from the divorce such as how to separate, arrangements for the children and money matters.

It is vital that you appoint a specialist family lawyer. A personal recommendation from a friend or colleague is great. However, if you don’t know who to approach you should consider contacting Resolution (tel 01689 820272) whose members are committed to a constructive resolution of family disputes.

Further, make sure that your family lawyer has the contacts that you need. Such a specialist will be “networked”. Sometimes in putting a case together it is necessary to employ other professionals such as valuers, pension actuaries and in big money cases forensic accountants. Your family lawyer should also be able to recommend mediators and have contact with collaborative lawyers if needed.

You should listen to the advice your lawyer gives you, after all you are paying for it! A good family lawyer will take a sensible approach to your case and give you sound and pragmatic advice. Most family lawyers adopt a non-confrontational approach. A good lawyer will encourage solutions.

Caption: Louise Sheasby, Family Lawyer.