Disciplinary and grievance procedures (Main Heading)

If you are being disciplined or you have a grievance you have certain rights concerning how these hearings are conducted. We can assist you in preparing for a disciplinary hearing and the correct tactical approach at the same time as advising on the strengths and weaknesses of your case. If you are experiencing issues at work we can help you and advise on the grievance process.

Unfair Dismissal (Sub Heading)

If you have been dismissed your employer must have a fair reason and have followed a fair procedure. You may be able to make a claim in the Employment Tribunal and our specialist Employment Law team can assist you. We can guide you through the Tribunal process including liaising with ACAS (including Early Conciliation) and preparing your case. We will advise you on the merits of your claim and try and negotiate proper compensation. If you feel you have been forced to leave because of the way your employer has treated you (known as constructive dismissal) we can help you.

If you have been made redundant or told that you are “at risk” your employer must be able to demonstrate that it is a genuine redundancy situation and that it has been carried out in a fair way including proper consultation. We can advise you of your rights and whether you have a claim or unfair dismissal. Your employer may impose restrictions on who you can work for or contact after you leave their employment.

Employment (Sub Heading)

Your employment contract sets out the agreement between you as an employee and your employer. When you start a new job we can look over your job offer and employment contract to help you understand all of the terms in it. As a director or senior manager you may be given an Executive Service Agreement which is normally more detailed and we can assist you with that too. There are many type of employment contracts such as part time contracts, fixed term contracts and our specialist Employment Team can help you better understand the complex terminology. If your employer is trying to change your contractual terms we can advise you of your rights.

The law protects you from unlawful discrimination, victimisation and harassment because of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or believe and pregnancy and maternity. This protection extends to the selection and appointment of staff, the arrangements for access to promotion and training and detrimental treatment. We can advise you of your rights and remedies.

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Meet the Employment Team

Julia Woodhouse

Julia Woodhouse

Position: Principal Associate

Julia is the Head of our Employment Department. Julia qualified as a Solicitor in 1995 and has specialised in Employment law since 2000. She is a trusted adviser to both employers and employees, helping them navigate issues which they encounter at work.

Julia can help you with a wide range of employment law matters, including:


–  Working closely with employers, guiding them through disciplinary, grievance, redundancy and other procedures and finding pragmatic solutions to employment law/HR issues.

–  Advising employees who experience workplace problems. This includes assisting employees who face allegations of gross misconduct or issues relating to sickness absence, redundancy, discrimination or other unfair treatment. She provides a sympathetic ear, whilst providing objective advice and cost-effective solutions to employment issues.

–  Negotiating and advising upon Settlement Agreements (formerly known as Compromise Agreements) for both employers and employees as a pragmatic way of resolving conflict in the workplace, without recourse to legal proceedings.

–  Bringing or defending Employment Tribunal claims, ranging from unfair dismissal, constructive unfair dismissal, redundancy, discrimination, TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings), unlawful deduction of wages and breach of contract, amongst other claims.

–  Drafting documents such as contracts of employment, directors’ service agreements, staff handbooks, policies, consultancy agreements and post-termination restrictive covenants.

–  Providing strategic advice to employers on commercial transactions such as TUPE and advising employees on their rights in these situations.


Julia is a French speaker, having graduated from the University of Leicester with a degree in Law with French (Honours). She also obtained a diploma in French Legal Studies at the Robert Schumann University in Strasbourg.

Julia is a member of the Employment Lawyers Association and you will also find her on Linked-In.

In her spare time, Julia enjoys taking part in amateur dramatics, treading the boards as well as providing back stage support.

Get in touch with Julia to find out if she can help you with your employment law queries.