Pre-Nuptial Agreements: for Better or for Worse?

At Berrymans Solicitors we recommend the preparation of pre-nuptial agreements (quite often referred to as pre-nups). A pre-nup is an agreement in which a couple record their rights and obligations in relation to property, capital income, debts and any other assets.  They can record how they want to divide assets should their marriage fail and […]

The Duty of Candour

When a medical professional or treatment provider makes a mistake, should they admit it to the patient or just hope that they are never found out? Regulation 20 of the Health and Social Care Act* states that care providers must act with openness and transparency in the event of a serious incident. This is known […]

The Family Business and Divorce

When a marriage, sadly, breaks down it is necessary sometimes to look at the family business and agree how it should be dealt with. For example very often it is possible to preserve the family business, since it is the business that has provided prosperity in the past and will be a source of income […]

Divorce After Lockdown

We have certainly been living though very worrying times.  Not only have we, as a country, had to face a national health crisis but an economic crisis too, with the effects of both no doubt burdening us as a society for many years to come. Confined to home for weeks on end and the suspension […]

What is it Worth?

Of primary concern, quite naturally, for people going through a divorce is to find out what type of financial award they might ultimately receive. We at Berrymans Solicitors like to think that we are adept at providing clients with advice that may very well lead to a financial settlement being entered into.  This advice can […]

Pensions and Divorce

When a marriage sadly breaks down, it is necessary to look at the assets that both parties have. From many years of experience, we have learned at Berrymans Solicitors that  the assets that the parties initially draw our attention to are, for example, the value of the family home, the value of any savings, bonds […]

Divorce reforms? Not before time!

The present law on divorce dates back to 1973 and it is widely recognised that it can cause problems for parties when they divorce since they very often have to rely upon introducing unreasonable behaviour to end up being divorced.  This has, for a very long time, been considered to be divisive and harmful to […]

Godparents are not Guardians

Many parents wrongly assume that when they appoint a godparent for their child, then that godparent will be able to step in to take care of their children if they were to die.  They live with this false assurance that all will be well in the event of their unfortunate demise.  However, this is not […]

Darryl Barnes Celebrates 40 Years with Berrymans Solicitors

A Leamington litigation lawyer, who started work as a butcher’s boy after leaving school, is now celebrating 40 years with Leamington solicitors, Berrymans Solicitors. Darryl Barnes is a key member of the firm’s dispute resolution team, using his wide experience of acting in the County Court, High Court and Court of Appeal to represent both […]

Tim Lester Welcomes Housing Market Reboot

An expert at a Leamington law firm has cautiously welcomed plans by the government to restart the house-buying market. Homebuyers and sellers had initially been told to delay completion on deals until lockdown ends. However, estate agents were given the go-ahead to reopen offices and arrange property viewings as of last Wednesday following a slight […]