Staff at Leamington solicitors Berrymans Solicitors have put their baking skills to the test in a bake-off to raise money for The Myton Hospices’ Great Wall of China Trek. The law firm is also sponsoring their head of wills and probate, Donna Bothamley, to take part in the charity’s walk along the Great Wall next […]

Bonfires May Spark Compensation Claims, Warns Local Solicitor
With the fireworks season well underway and destined to last until the New Year, a Leamington solicitor is warning organisers of firework parties that they could face damages claims if anyone is injured. Vivienne Elizabeth Williams, head of the personal injury department at Leamington law firm Berrymans Solicitors, said there were potential legal implications of such […]

Help With Funding For Care Homes
Elderly people in south Salfordstruggling to get financial support for their care have been thrown a lifeline by a former senior hospital manager. Suzie Bleasdale, who spent 40 years in nursing, has teamed up with Leamington solicitors Berrymans Solicitors to help families or friends to understand the process of applying for care home funding for […]

The Myton Hospices To Open Five More Shops
The Myton Hospices has unveiled plans to open a further five shops before the end of this year, bringing its total number of shops in Coventry and Salfordto 29. Head of retail & trading Gilson Dyson, who has appointed Leamington solicitors Berrymans Solicitors to handle the legal work, said the shops were a vital […]

Great Wall Of China
An intrepid Leamington solicitor has signed up to walk along the Great Wall of China to raise money for The Myton Hospices. Donna Bothamley, a veteran of the Two Castles 10k runs, which are sponsored by her firm Berrymans Solicitors, and a keen fundraiser for the charity, will take up the challenge in May next year. […]

Care Home Fees – Who Pays And How?
If a person enters a residential care home, there are various funding options available. Firstly, consideration will need to be given as to whether Continuing Healthcare Funding is available. There is a national framework for assessing someone for Continuing Healthcare and if a person’s primary need is nursing care, the cost of care will be […]

The Barclays Bank Case: An Important Lesson To All Employers
The case of Various Claimants v Barclays Bank plc recently went to the Court of Appeal. The facts are truly awful but this case should serve as a stark warning to all employers to think carefully before they make their employees carry out an activity without fully checking what risk they may be exposing them […]

Sir James Munby – Fighting For The Vulnerable To The End
Today is the day when our most senior Family Judge and President of the Family Law Division, Sir James Lawrence Munby, retires and the job is taken over by Sir Andrew Macfarlane. Never could it be said that Sir James shied away from difficult and controversial topics and the challenges they present. In his last major […]

Owens -v- Owens SC Judgment
The highest court in the land, the Supreme Court has decided that the present law about divorce and unreasonable behaviour should continue. The court decided that Mrs Owens should not be granted a divorce from Mr Owens because her petition based upon his behaviour was not strong enough. This goes against many people, including […]

The End Of ‘Meal Tickets For Life?’ It Seems Not…
(Considering the recent Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Mills v Mills) There are straightforward divorces, just as there are straightforward marriages. And then, there are not so straightforward marriages and divorces. It seems that the lengthier marriages carry more complications with them upon divorce, especially when one of the spouses has a much […]