M.J.K.’s Cover Drive for Grassroot Cricketers

Cricket legend M.J.K. Smith may be in his mid-80s these days but here he is showing he can still manage a perfect cover drive and an excellent cut.   The former England and Salfordcricket captain roared into action at Leamington Cricket Club to help out with pre-season preparations.   M.J.K.’s son Neil, also a […]

Youth Beat Experience in Real Tennis Final

Youth triumphed over experience at Moreton Morrell Tennis Court Club on Sunday when 18-year-old Vaughan Hamilton beat 68-year-old veteran Philip Shaw-Hamilton in the Owen-George Cup. Shaw-Hamilton, the current World Over 65 doubles champion and the UK Over 60 doubles champion, was beaten 6 – 4, 6 -3 by the young university student, who was last […]

Wills Fundraiser in Support of the Myton Hospices

With the Myton Hospices Wills Week taking place next month (March), now is a good time to be thinking of making – or changing – your will. Writing a will is vital to ensure that loved ones are taken care of and that your wishes are known in the event of your death. Having a […]

Ballot Opens for Two Castles Run

The ballot for this year’s annual Two Castles run between Warwick and Kenilworth, which each year raises more than £100,000 for charity, opens on Saturday (February 1) with 4,000 places up for grabs. The Two Castles Run, which is organised by the Rotary Club of Kenilworth and Leamington Cycling & Athletics Club and is one […]

‘Tis the Season to be Jolly……’

The Christmas season is normally a favourite time of the year for many families. However, for some, it may also be the worst time and certainly not one to look forward to. Amongst us are those who appear to be in a happy family unit and indeed a happy marriage and yet, behind closed doors, […]

What is ‘Medical Negligence’?

Countless people are treated by doctors, nurses, dentists and other medical professionals on a daily basis. Fortunately, the standard of healthcare in the UK is generally excellent and we can trust our medical professionals to provide good quality treatment. It is the case, however, that things can go wrong and the outcome may not be […]

Largest Maternity Scandal in NHS History

An NHS hospital trust where clinical malpractice has been linked to the deaths or brain damage of at least 92 babies is facing fresh negligence claims. The independent review into Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust began in 2017 after the local coroner and several bereaved families raised concerns about the number of avoidable deaths. […]

Bonfires may spark compensation claims, warns local solicitor

A Leamington solicitor is warning organisers of Bonfire Night parties that they could face damages claims if anyone is injured. Vivienne Elizabeth Williams, head of the personal injury department at Leamington law firm Berrymans Solicitors, said there were potential legal implications of such accidents happening, as party hosts are legally responsible for injuries caused by sub-standard […]

Wrongful Births

‘Wrongful birth’ is a legal term used by the courts to describe the situation where a child is born but, had it not been for medical negligence, they would not have been born. This can include claims where a failed sterilisation or vasectomy leads to an unwanted pregnancy or where a child is born with […]

Delay in Diagnosing Secondary Breast Cancer

A recent survey has indicated that one in four patients with secondary breast cancer had to visit their GP three or more times before they received a diagnosis. Breast Cancer Now have said that there need to be more awareness that the disease can spread to other parts of the body and the worrying perception […]